Antonio Lauro was a Venezuelan composer and guitarist, considered among the leading 20th century guitar composers. A concert whose program consisted of such valses venezolanos (Venezuelan waltzes) by the distinguished Venezuelan pianist Evencio Castellanos (1914-1984) convinced Lauro that the guitar too, should have comparable pieces in his repertory. Among his first efforts in this genre were the pieces later known as Tatiana, Andreína, and Natalia, composed sometime between 1938 and 1940; Their instant popularity inspired yet others. In addition to his guitar pieces, Lauro composed dozens of works for orchestra, choir, piano and voice; Many of which remain unpublished. He occasionally experimented with modern compositional techniques, but most of his guitar music remains essentially on the Calle Real or “main street”, an expression used by musicians of Lauro’s generation to refer to a straight and direct route without distracting harmonic detours. Natalia is a Venezuelan Vals of some difficulty, with melodic movements tied and quick arpeggios.
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Antonio Lauro – Natalia – Classical Guitar Vals – Free Guitar Score
Antonio Lauro – Natalia – Classical Guitar Vals – Free Guitar Tab
Antonio Lauro – Wikipedia
VIDEO: Antonio Lauro – Natalia – Classical Guitar Vals
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