The Prelude BWV 846 in C major is the first part of the “Prelude and Fugue” by Bach which is the first important collection “The Well-Tempered Clavier“. This song is very well known thanks to Charles Gounod who took the Prelude and used it as backgrund for his “Ave Maria“, making some small change compared to the original Bach Prelude. Characteristic of this prelude is to have crotchets arpeggios that draw a melody thanks to various harmonic changes, which it is also a great quality of classical guitar.
If you like the sound of Classical Guitar I can also recommend you my record “Air on the G String“, which has a very special tuning. Thank you.
Prelude in C major (Bach BWV 846) – Classical Guitar Tab 1
Prelude in C major (Bach BWV 846) – Classical Guitar Tab 2
Prelude in C major (Bach BWV 846) – Free Classical Guitar Score
Prelude in C major (Bach BWV 846) – Wkipedia
VIDEO: Prelude in C major (Bach BWV 846) – Classical Guitar Solo
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